Our Services

Helping you reach your financial goals

Learn more about how our philosophy at Momentous Financial Partners can help secure your financial future.

Assets and Income Protection
Assets and Income Protection

For many people, the ability to earn an income is their most valuable asset. Losing that ability would have a devastating effect on them and their families. For many families it would be impossible to continue the lifestyle to which they’ve become accustomed.

A death or disability in a family could seriously hinder the financial future of a spouse and children, if precautions were not put in place. Preparing for emergencies and tragedies can make a world of difference for a family facing the unexpected.

Financial Planning

What are your personal financial goals?

Our process will help you identify your financial goals and objectives, no matter what stage you are in your life. Together, we will use the tools to bring clarity to your financial situation and your future goals.

Retirement Planning

It’s never too late to start saving.

Perhaps one of the greatest financial challenges you will face in your lifetime is preparing adequately for your retirement. Can you afford to retire? How will you fund your retirement? How will you ensure your money lasts as long as you need it? What unexpected events may occur before and during your retirement that can derail your plans for the future? What do you need to do differently once you are actually in retirement?

Estate Planning

Failing to plan is often the biggest mistake.
Developing a well-designed approach for your estate is a personal process. It is grounded in the attitudes, beliefs and traditions that you consider important. Your estate will change as you progress through your life and incorporate different aspects of estate preparation.

Without any estate plan in place, federal and state laws dictate how property, personal items and assets are divided, with no regard to the individual’s wishes. Conflicts due to family issues and legal problems often result, tying up the estate and slowing down the distribution of assets. Additional administrative expenses and taxes, which must be deducted from the estate, can also reduce its overall value.

Good estate planning looks for ways to preserve your assets and plan constructively how to pass on as much of your estate as possible to your heirs. We can help you understand some common estate planning tools, such as a will, trust, durable powers of attorney to help you achieve your legacy goals.

Business Planning

A Reliable Business Partner
Most successful businesses are born with an idea and grow with hard work. It takes foresight and a comprehensive plan for these businesses to outlive their founders. No business can be successful without a long-range plan and strong network of support.

We have access to many innovative solutions to support and help grow your business. We offer exclusive access to insurance products and a wide array of quality investment choices.

Education Funding

Planning for a child or grandchild’s education isn’t as simple as it used to be. Today’s options offer more potential, but must be chosen carefully. Depending on family income and other factors, it’s important to make these decisions as early in the child’s life as possible.

Once you know that you are ready to start, you must decide how.

“Working with the team at Momentous has been an incredible experience as they guided me through my concerns regarding my insurance and retirement planning”


“We can put some customer reviews of how Momentous Financial Partners have helped clients reach their financial goals and achieve their planning dreams.”


“We can put some customer reviews of how Momentous Financial Partners have helped clients reach their financial goals and achieve their planning dreams.”



3608 N. Steele Blvd, Suite 103, Fayetteville, AR 72701

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